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10 Gifts for the Military Family this Holiday Season

  1. Babysitting for Free: This invaluable to a mother whose husband is deployed and she hasn’t been out in months, or to a couple that just can’t afford a much needed date night.

  2. Invite for Dinner: A wonderful way to say thank you is inviting a military family into your home for a nice meal, and conversation that doesn’t revolve around the next deployment or PCS date.

  3. Letters of Appreciation: Words of encouragement go along way. Tell a military family how you appreciate and recognize their sacrifice (hint: keep it uplifting).

  4. Take Them a Meal: The military lifestyle has a lot of unknowns, and sometimes just getting dinner on the table can be a feat. Help out by taking a military family a meal.

  5. Fix It: If you are the handy type you can be a huge help to a military family. Constantly moving from one rental to another, something is always breaking. By offering to repair an outlet or fix a sprinkler, you are not only saving the family money but also the time to find a good repairman.

  6. Buy their Groceries: Military families can have a hard time making ends meet, so helping buy some groceries can really help (especially if it is between paydays).

  7. Restaurant Gift Certificate: If you don’t have time to invite someone over or take them a meal, restaurant gift certificates are always greatly appreciated.

  8. Holiday Basket of Cheer: Ornaments, candles, trinkets, and of course, a bottle of “the good stuff” will always put a smile on someone’s face.

  9. Organization & Cleaning: When you move every few years some boxes just never unpacked or a room remains in a state of utter disrepair. Having someone come and help you go through your belongings and organize is a huge help.

  10. Coffee: It may sound simple, but military families run on coffee. Whether it is the service member trying to stay awake for all night watch, a new mother playing mom and dad while her husband is deployed, or just one of those days, coffee is what gets us through (or wine if it is five o’clock somewhere)!

There are many other opportunities to serve a military family. They Serve 2 is dedicated to connecting individuals who have the desire to serve the military with the various needs of our community. If you have an idea, but aren’t sure where to go next, contact They Serve 2, and we will be happy to help! Or you can always donate, and They Serve 2 will ensure to connect your funding with a worthy need of a military family.

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